Sunday, December 2, 2007

The technical stuff

This is the utility room as it looks this weekend. The water heater is very large because it is dual purposed. It heats both the floors and the domestic hot water. The system is much more complicated than that, though, and we've relied on the expertise of our HVAC system designer, John, at Air Care in Beaver Dam, WI. The house is zoned in several areas with both in-floor heat and forced air, and after living in a very drafty house for the past 3 years, we're excited to feel the difference!
A new challenge: Snow! We're waiting for the front door design to be completed and fabricated by our good friend, Vic, down in San Antonio. His family has been constructing doors for centuries. So, until then, we have a fancy plywood door screwed to the house. No keys necessary, just a cordless drill! We were surprised to find a bathtub upstairs yesterday! This is the boys' tub, and will be rotated to fit against that back wall. The plumber has been very busy and most of the lines are in and waiting for fixtures.

This week we anticipate the completion of the stone on the exterior, the radiant floor heat should be turned on, and the electrician will arrive.


Anonymous said...

It looks like you have pulled out in front of us on the exterior finish while we have a little lead on you on the interior work.

I really love the red window frames and have to say that they look incredible with the stonework.


Laura Tills said...

yeah - i'm jealous of your drywall!! but we're pushed to a feb 1 finish - how's dec. looking for you? your project is looking great - i check it daily!


Craig, Jess, Oliver & Charlotte said...

It is really coming together nicely. I can see you all snug in there on a snowy afternoon. We can't wait to see it in person. How are the burbs?