Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Slab

Yesterday all the tubing was laid for the radiant floor the picture you can see that the bathroom, living room, and media room have denser tubing for warmer floors.

Today the slab was poured! Overall, it went well... however, since this will be our finished floor we are being pretty nit-picky. There are some large scratches in circular patterns in the entrance to our bedroom which are pretty disappointing. One "flaw" we were pleased with are a few little leaf prints in the entryway to our home. We are very glad to have the ball rolling again. Tomorrow they will make saw cuts in 8 ft intervals on the diagonal as control joints to prevent cracks in the concrete. The garage slab as well as the porch, outside entry, and living room steps still need to be poured - hopefully soon.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Today Tim leveled the gravel in preparation for the slab and started to lay the vapor barrier and styrofoam that will be under the slab. This is something Tim takes great pride in...really insulating the house, making it as energy efficient as possible. He'll finish the vapor barrier and insulation tomorrow and then the HVAC crew will come in to place tubing for the heated floors. The lastest thought is that the slab will be poured on promises, though!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Patience is a virtue.

Still nothing. Here are a few pics of the garage with some of the SIPs piled next to it. Also, with some help from Mom and Dad (Laura's), we seeded the septic field with a woodland prarie mix two weeks ago. The rye grass is sure sprouting - at least something's happening on the site. We are hopeful that the slab will be poured next week (it's been said before...). Then the concrete needs to sit for 3 days untouched - in order to get the best finish for staining. Since the concrete is the final finish for the main level floors, the workers will have to be very careful throughout construction.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Well, after a frustrating week, we do have something to show! The garage has been framed, and it's so exciting to see the drawings come to's getting easier to imagine a house on our lot. The plumber had a good day today - got all the PVC pipes laid for all the drains in the house. Tim also installed all the tiling for the sump pump - around the perimeter of every wall. There will be a lot more plumbing next week, as the tubing gets laid for the heated floors among other things. The SIPs will be delivered Monday and stored on-site until we're ready for them - hopefully the following week.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Snails Pace

We are slowing inching forward. Our plumber's truck broke down and so we're stuck waiting for him in order to make any progress with the foundation floor...."why can't he take a cab?" was my question, but apparantly his truck is pretty important. They did start framing the garage today, which is at least something visible. Our SIP panels are done and they will start charging us $180/day to store them after Sept. 10th...unfortunately, due to the plumber issue, we won't be ready for them, but they will be delivered and stacked safely on site next Monday. It's been a frustrating day.